1. Ensure the Telstra Service number you will be using is added to "Telstra.corp" network.
2. login to the Modem.
3.Under Operation Mode - select Gateway Mode, Disable NAT, and chhoose Wired-WAN port acts as LAN
4. Under Network settings click on "Mobile"
5. Change the APN settings to - Telstra.corp
6. Authentication method - CHAP - Enter the Service username and password
7. Leave the rest as default as in the screen shot below.
8. Under the LAN settings
- General tab , put in the IP and DNS Servers. Disable IPV6 assignment length.
- Under DHCP Server - Advanced Tab , set the DHCP-Options as follows:
-IPv6 Settings
10. Under "Status" - click on "Network" -to check for the signal strength and cellular status.