So, you need to do some Crystal Reports for TechOne? You've restarted your Modem once and BAM! your IP is no longer whitelisted? Well FEAR NOT! as we have created a T1 Crystal Report on our CHRC servers for this very reason!

Follow the below steps to RDP onto our CHRC T1 Crystal Report clone to test all your scripts/reports and everything else!

If you're connecting via Azure Bastion as you don't have a CHRC Laptop follow this solution article before you continue:


  1. Open Remote Desktop Connection and enter chrcsql01 - Hit Connect

  2. You will be prompted for a Username and Password (e.g. Rstroud) Once you have entered your CHRC Username and Password (Same as your Laptop Login) you will be connected!

  3. If you require to configure data then Select SQL Server Management Studio 18 (This will allow you do to SQL scripts to make changes to the database) - If you require Crystal Reports skip to Step 5

  4. Under Server Name enter the following: CHRCSQL01\t1_Crystal_repor and leave the other details as seen below -  hit Connect. 

    You now have access to the T1 Crystal Repor Database, have fun!

  5. For Crystal Report Select SAP Crystal Reports 2013 and then the template you wish to work on.